So we know it's Wednesday, but silly us, we were a bit naughty and didn't post this week's Tunesday on Tuesday! If you ask we'll say it's because we were working hard, but really, we were just putting fairy lights on things. Hopefully our choice will put you in a good enough mood that you'll forget what day it is anyway! :p Growing up in The Bahamas/Caribbean means that I am no stranger to the cheerful sound of the steel pans, but perhaps, not quite in the same way as they are in today's video! Regardless, the Credit for today's pick must go to a friend - Euan - who has worked with these guys, and posted this cover on another friend's wall earlier this week. Less than a minute in, and Steel Strum had sealed their fate as OrangeMouth's final Tunesday selection for November 2014. #noregrets
Until next time...
Yesterday I asked a friend of mine for song to use as today's Tunesday pick. In the time it took him to answer, I chose something else, told him he was too late, and maybe he could choose it next week. He vetoed my choice for his, Pharrell William's 'Gust of Wind. Enjoy. Until next time...
M-J |
December 2015